The Interface Definition Language (IDL) is the language CORBA defines for specifying the features (methods, attributes) of an object in a language-independent way.
In order to enable different programming languages (and machines, operating systems) to deal with CORBA objects, it's necessary to agree on some standard notation to describe what features (methods, attributes) objects expose. CORBA offers such a standard notation: the Interface Definition Language (IDL). IDL looks a lot like C++ (or Java) class definition. Note that IDL in Microsoft's COM technology context is not the same as CORBA IDL. They are quite similar, however.
Note that IDL only specifies the methods and attributes an object supports - the programmer has complete freedom as how to implement these, as long as he respects the definition in the IDL file.
CORBA가 이종간의 통신을 가능하게 하는 것이기 때문에, 이종간에 인터페이스를 공통으로 정의해 주기 위해서 필요한 것이 IDL 인 것으로 파악됨.
In order to enable different programming languages (and machines, operating systems) to deal with CORBA objects, it's necessary to agree on some standard notation to describe what features (methods, attributes) objects expose. CORBA offers such a standard notation: the Interface Definition Language (IDL). IDL looks a lot like C++ (or Java) class definition. Note that IDL in Microsoft's COM technology context is not the same as CORBA IDL. They are quite similar, however.
Note that IDL only specifies the methods and attributes an object supports - the programmer has complete freedom as how to implement these, as long as he respects the definition in the IDL file.
CORBA가 이종간의 통신을 가능하게 하는 것이기 때문에, 이종간에 인터페이스를 공통으로 정의해 주기 위해서 필요한 것이 IDL 인 것으로 파악됨.